<world of warcraft>
+++ Lunar Festival 2009. Location of Elders +++ (Jan 24 - Feb 12)
Please click the name of Elders.
Elders of Eastern Kingdoms
Elders of the Dungeons
+++ Lunar Festival 2009. Location of Elders +++ (Jan 24 - Feb 12)
Please click the name of Elders.
Elders of Eastern Kingdoms
Elder Bellowrage found at [57.7, 54.7] in Blasted Lands
Elder Dawnstrider found at [64.2, 24.0] Burning Steppes
Elder Rumblerock found at [81.9, 46.3] in Burning Steppes
Elder Goldwell found at [46.7, 51.4] in Dun Morogh
Elder Snowcrown found at [75.7, 54.6] in Eastern Plaguelands
Elder Windrun found at [35.6, 68.8] in Eastern Plaguelands
Elder Stormbrow found at [39.6, 63.5] in Elwynn Forest
Elder Silvervein found at [33.0, 46.5] in Loch Modan
Elder Moonstrike found upstairs in the main building of Scholomance
Elder Ironband found at [21.1, 78.8] in Searing Gorge
Elder Obsidian found at [44.8, 41.1] in Silverpine Forest
Elder Starglade found at [53.1, 18.3] in Stranglethorn Vale
Elder Winterhoof found at [26.3, 76.4] in Stranglethorn Vale
Elder Highpeak found at [49.9, 47.9] in The Hinterlands
Elder Graveborn found at [61.7, 53.7] in Tirisfal Glades
Elder Meadowrun found at [65.8, 47.7] in Western Plaguelands
Elder Skychaser found at [56.6, 47.0] in Westfall
Elder Skygleam found at [72.4, 84.9] in Azshara
Elder Riversong found at [35.4, 48.9] in Astranaar, Ashenvale
Elder High Mountain found at [45.0, 57.9] in Camp Taurajo, The Barrens
Elder Moonwarden found at [51.4, 30.6] in The Crossroads, The Barrens
Elder Windtotem found at [62.6, 36.7] in Ratchet, The Barrens
Elder Starweave found at [36.7, 46.6] in Auberdine, Darkshore
Elder Runetotem found at [53.1, 43.5] in Razor Hill, Durotar
Elder Nightwind found at [37.7, 52.9] in Felwood
Elder Grimtotem found at [76.7, 37.7] in Feralas
Elder Mistwalker found at inside The Maul in Dire Maul, Feralas
Elder Bloodhoof found at [48.3, 53.4] in Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
Elder Bladesing found at [48.8, 37.6] in Cenarion Hold, Silithus
Elder Primestone found at [22.9, 11.6] in Silithus
Elder Dreamseer found at [51.3, 27.8] in Gadgetzan, Tanaris
Elder Ragetotem found at [36.2, 80.4] in Tanaris
Elder Bladeleaf found at [57.2, 60.7] in Dolanaar, Teldrassil
Elder Morningdew found at [79.0, 76.9] in Mirage Raceway, Thousand Needles
Elder Skyseer found at [45.3, 49.8] in Freewind Post, Thousand Needles
Elder Thunderhorn found at [50.1, 76.1] in Un'Goro Crater
Elder Brightspear found at [55.5, 43.6] in Winterspring
Elder Stonespire found at [61.3, 37.7] in Everlook, Winterspring
Elder Arp found at [57.3, 43.7] in D.E.H.T.A, Borean Tundra
Elder Northal found at [33.8, 34.4] in Transitus Shield, Borean Tundra
Elder Pamuya found at [42.9, 49.6] in Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra
Elder Sardis found at [59.1, 65.6] in Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra
Elder Morthie found at [29.7, 55.9] in Star's Rest, Dragonblight
Elder Skywarden found at [35.1, 48.3] in Agmar's Hammer, Dragonblight
Elder Thoim found at [48.8, 78.2] in Moa'ki Harbor, Dragonblight
Elder Beldak found at [60.6, 27.7] in Westfall Brigade Encampment, Grizzly Hills
Elder Lunaro found at [80.5, 37.1] in Ruins of Tethys, Grizzly Hills
Elder Whurain found at [64.2, 47.0] in Camp Oneqwah, Grizzly Hills
Elder Sandrene found at [49.8, 63] in Lakeside Landing, Sholazar Basin
Elder Wanikaya found at [63.8, 49.0] in Rainspeaker Rapids, Sholazar Basin
Elder Fargal found at [28.9, 73.7] in Frosthold, The Storm Peaks
Elder Graymane found at [41.2, 84.7] in K3, The Storm Peaks
Elder Stonebeard found at [31.3, 37.6] in Bouldercrag's Refuge, The Storm Peaks
Elder Muraco found at [64.6, 51.3] in Camp Taunka'lo, The Storm Peaks
Elder Bluewolf found at [49.0, 13.9] in Wintergrasp
Elder Tauros found at [58.9, 56.0] in Zim'Torga, Zul'Drak
Elders of the Dungeons
Elder Bladeswift found at [33.6, 15.1] in Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus
Elder Bronzebeard found at [28.1, 17.0] in Ironforge
Elder Hammershout found at [21, 53] in Stormwind City
Elder Darkhorn found at [40.9, 32.9] in Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar
Elder Ezra Wheathoof found at [72.2, 23.5] in Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff
Elder Darkcore found at [67.4, 39.1] in Ruins of Lordaeron, Undercity