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Midsummer Fire Festival 2009.(21 June - 4 July)

by 먀아 2009. 6. 20.
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The Midsummer Fire Festival is a seasonal event that celebrates the hottest season of the year. It starts on the (earthly) northern summer solstice, and lasts about two weeks (June 21 – July 4). It is similar to the Lunar Festival and other holidays, featuring some useful buffs, food, and toys to play with.

It was introduced in Patch 1.11, and given a major revamp in June 2008.

From Midsummer Fire Festival on the official website:

Ah, so you weren't chosen for Flamekeeper this year? Don't fret, my friend! The Midsummer Fire Festival isn't merely about that traditional honor; it's a time of merriment, a chance to celebrate the hottest season of the year by lighting great fires across the land and sharing in what the elemental spirits can offer. Come to our camps and join in the revelry!

The ending of the Festival seems to have been merged with the Engineers' Explosive Extravaganza holiday:

The lengthy Midsummer Fire Festival traditionally ends with the sky itself being set alight. The goblins of Undermine have lent their considerable skill (and copious amounts of gunpowder) to the task, resulting in a tremendous fireworks show! Take up a festival mug and raise a toast to the season as the multicolored explosions dance across the sky above you!


Burning Blossom redemption

There are several items you can get from redeeming  [Burning Blossom] at Midsummer Suppliers and Midsummer Merchants. You can get 632 (H), 622 (A) Blossoms at the first day of the Festival and 20 Blossoms through Daily Quests from the second day until the end of the festival. It is not possible to get all rewards in one year if you farm the maximum possible amount of Blossoms.

Item Price Note
[Handful of Summer Petals] 2 Burning Blossoms
[Fiery Festival Brew] 2 Burning Blossoms
[Juggling Torch] 5 Burning Blossoms
[Elderberry Pie] 5 Burning Blossoms
[Midsummer Sausage] 5 Burning Blossoms
[Bag of Smorc Ingredients] 5 Burning Blossoms
[Toasted Smorc] 5 Burning Blossoms
[Fire-toasted Bun] 5 Burning Blossoms
[Mantle of the Fire Festival] 100 Burning Blossoms
[Vestment of Summer] 100 Burning Blossoms Causes your hands to catch aflame for more festive dance moves.
[Sandals of Summer] 200 Burning Blossoms Causes a fire to appear at your feet.
[Brazier of Dancing Flames] 350 Burning Blossoms Creates a fiery, dancing female draenei who reacts to player emotes.
[Captured Flame] 350 Burning Blossoms Non combat pet.


Given from Festival Loremasters & Talespinners

Burning Blossom can be earned through a variety of quests. The blossoms can be consumed for a small buff, or saved for a variety of items including Brazier of Dancing Flames. Finding all the flames and doing all the quests during the 14-day period should award 882 (A) or 892 (H) Blossoms.

Starter quests:

Daily quests:

Quest chains:

  1. Neutral [70] Unusual Activity
  2. Neutral [70] An Innocent Disguise
  3. Neutral [70] Inform the Elder

Players then are given access to quests based on their level:

Lord Ahune

Lord Ahune drops a variety of interesting items, including:

Tabard of Summer Skies
(Quest reward)

Scorchling pet
(Ahune drop)

Spirit of Summer pet
(from Vendor)

Brazier of Dancing Flames
(from Vendor)

Tabard of Summer Flames
(Quest reward)

Bonfires (2008)

Finding a bonfire of your own faction and speaking to the appropriate NPC will reward you with 5 Burning Blossom and 5g 95s at level 70.

Finding a bonfire of the opposite faction and using (stamping upon) it will reward 10 Burning Blossom and 11g 99s at level 70. All opposing faction bonfires may be doused without pulling guards, providing you are sufficiently high level, but the bonfire in Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley may be doused without pulling guards only if you have a flying mount or can stealth to the fire, making this a fast and easy way to generate Midsummer Festival currency. Dousing another faction's bonfire will flag you for PVP combat.

The bonfires of Capital cities have separate quests and you cannot 'Honor the Flame' of your own faction's Capitals.

As there are 32 Alliance Fires and 30 Horde Fires, you can get as Alliance 550g 10s and 460 Blossoms, and as Horde 562g 18s and 470 Blossoms, not counting quests or capital bonfires.

See Alliance Bonfires and Horde Bonfires.

On WyriMaps.net you there is an interactive map with all the midsummer bonfires on it. Here is a suggested order for Horde to complete quests to honor and desecrate fires.

Stealing the Cities' Flames

Each faction can "loot" the Flames of the opposing faction's cities, each of which starts a quest. Stealing all four cities flames will offer the quest Neutral [60] A Thief's Reward. While any character can loot the quest item, the quests themselves require level 50.



Reward: [Crown of the Fire Festival] (no bonuses).

Sortable list of bonfires

 ↓ Continent   ↓ Zone   ↓ Region   ↓ Coords   ↓
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Arathi Highlands Hammerfall [74, 41]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Arathi Highlands Refuge Pointe [50, 44]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Badlands Kargath [4, 49]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Blasted Lands Nethergarde Keep [58, 17]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Burning Steppes Flame Crest [62, 29]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Burning Steppes Morgan's Vigil [80, 62]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Ironforge Hall of Explorers [64, 25]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Dun Morogh Kharanos [46, 46]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Duskwood Darkshire [74, 51]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Elwynn Forest Goldshire [43, 65]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Stormwind The Canals [41, 61]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Eversong Woods North Sanctum [46, 50]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Silvermoon City Court of the Sun [70, 43]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Ghostlands Tranquillien [46, 26]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore [50, 46]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Hillsbrad Foothills Tarren Mill [58, 25]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Loch Modan Thelsamar [32, 40]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Mountains Lakeshire [24, 59]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Silverpine Forest The Sepulcher [49, 38]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay [33, 73]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay [32, 75]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Swamp of Sorrows Stonard [47, 47]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Hinterlands, The Aerie Peak [14, 50]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Hinterlands, The Revantusk Village [76, 74]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Undercity Ruins of Lordaeron [68, 9]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Tirisfal Glades Brill [57, 52]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Western Plaguelands Chillwind Camp [43, 82]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Westfall Sentinel Hill [56, 54]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Wetlands Menethil Harbor [13, 47]
Alliance Kalimdor Ashenvale Astranaar [38, 54]
Horde Kalimdor Ashenvale Splintertree Post [70, 69]
Alliance Kalimdor Exodar, The The Crystal Hall [41, 26]
Alliance Kalimdor Azuremyst Isle Azure Watch [44, 53]
Alliance Kalimdor Bloodmyst Isle Blood Watch [55, 69]
Alliance Kalimdor Darkshore Auberdine [37, 46]
Alliance Kalimdor Desolace Nijel's Point [65, 17]
Horde Kalimdor Desolace Shadowprey Village [26, 76]
Horde Kalimdor Orgrimmar Valley of Wisdom [47, 38]
Horde Kalimdor Durotar Razor Hill [52, 47]
Alliance Kalimdor Dustwallow Marsh Theramore Isle [62, 40]
Horde Kalimdor Dustwallow Marsh Brackenwall Village [33, 30]
Alliance Kalimdor Feralas Feathermoon Stronghold [28, 44]
Horde Kalimdor Feralas Camp Mojache [72, 47]
Horde Kalimdor Thunder Bluff Spirit Rise [21, 26]
Horde Kalimdor Mulgore Bloodhoof Village [51, 60]
Alliance Kalimdor Silithus Cenarion Hold [57, 34]
Horde Kalimdor Silithus Cenarion Hold [46, 44]
Horde Kalimdor Stonetalon Mountains Sun Rock Retreat [50, 60]
Alliance Kalimdor Tanaris Gadgetzan [52, 29]
Horde Kalimdor Tanaris Gadgetzan [49, 27]
Alliance Kalimdor Teldrassil Rut'theran Village [55, 91]
Alliance Kalimdor Teldrassil Dolanaar [55, 60]
Horde Kalimdor Barrens, The Crossroads [52, 28]
Horde Kalimdor Thousand Needles Freewind Post [41, 52]
Alliance Kalimdor Winterspring Everlook [62, 35]
Horde Kalimdor Winterspring Everlook [59, 35]
Alliance Outland Blade's Edge Mountains Sylvanaar [42, 66]
Horde Outland Blade's Edge Mountains Thunderlord Stronghold [50, 59]
Alliance Outland Hellfire Peninsula Honor Hold [62, 58]
Horde Outland Hellfire Peninsula Thrallmar [55, 40]
Alliance Outland Nagrand Telaar [50, 70]
Horde Outland Nagrand Garadar [51, 34]
Alliance Outland Netherstorm Area 52 [31, 63]
Horde Outland Netherstorm Area 52 [32, 68]
Alliance Outland Shadowmoon Valley Wildhammer Stronghold [40, 55]
Horde Outland Shadowmoon Valley Shadowmoon Village [33, 30]
Alliance Outland Terokkar Forest Allerian Stronghold [55, 55]
Horde Outland Terokkar Forest Stonebreaker Hold [52, 43]
Alliance Outland Zangarmarsh Telredor [69, 52]
Horde Outland Zangarmarsh Zabra'Jin [36, 52]
See also Alliance Bonfires and Horde Bonfires.

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