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World of warcraft

[울드아르] 거대화염전차(10인) 2명이서 킬!! 동영상

by 먀아 2009. 5. 27.

울드아르 던전 10인 첫번째 네임드인 거대화염전차가 플레이어2명에 의해서 죽임을 당했다는 군요... ㅎㅎ

대단하네요. 이게 버그가 있어서 가능했다고 합니다.

Flame Leviathan 10-Man killed by 2 Players
Strijder and Bekstinker were a bit bored and decided to kill The Flame Leviathan in 10-Man .... without anyone else. After 20+ wipes because of bugs they finally took down the first boss of Ulduar with only 2 people and 1 vehicle, congratulations to them!

출처:  http://www.mmo-champion.com/

동영상을 감상하세요.
